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 Born to Write
 A Blog by Author Amy Hill Hearth

The Delany Sisters and Their Porch

Many years ago, Sadie and Bessie Delany (who would become famous at age 100 and 102 as “the Delany Sisters”) moved from an apartment in the Harlem section of New York City to a still-rural section of the Bronx. The reason? They wanted a porch.

Actually they needed a porch, as they explained with some desperationto the builder.  Read More 

How the Delany Sisters Welcomed a New Year

The Delany Sisters didn't celebrate New Year's Eve; they simply went to bed at the usual hour and woke up to a new year. They had resolutions, with Sadie always saying she wanted to be a better person (pretty much impossible since she was already so sweet and nice) and little sister Bessie claiming that THIS would be the year she would stop her meanness and get herself "straight with the Lord." I miss those old gals, and one of my resolutions each year since they've been gone is to live up to their expectations and hopes for me.  Read More 

How to Talk to Your Editor

I heard something terrible recently: A top editor admitted to me that he isn't signing up debut authors because they take up too much of his time. Now, before you hate this guy's guts, consider that his job responsibilities have multiplied in the last few years at the same time that thousands of new people want his attention. He can't go to the men's room without someone handing him a manuscript or pitching an idea. During the last twenty years I have been published by Random House, Doubleday, Harper Collins, and Simon & Schuster, among others, and all of my editors have been hard-working and thoughtful people who truly love books.  Read More 

Advice for College Students

The following are excerpts from a speech I made to students at Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information on Nov. 14, 2013, New Brunswick, New Jersey:
"I am on my third career – newspapers, nonfiction books, and now novels. I’ve adapted. I’ve always been independent and that has worked in my favor. But  Read More 

On a Plane, Being Misjudged

"You do WHAT?" asked the businessman sitting next to me on a flight to Florida. This was twenty-plus years ago, a short time before I made the transition from journalism to nonfiction book author, and long before I became a novelist. I had endured this fellow flirting relentlessly with me for two hours. He  Read More