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 Born to Write
 A Blog by Author Amy Hill Hearth

The Five Topics Which Used to be Off-Limits (and, Maybe, Should Still Be?)

Social media seems to bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. We’ve all noticed that some people use Facebook, for example, in a positive way while others become weirdly competitive, snarky, or even abusive.

Not long ago there was an unspoken rule that certain topics were, quite simply,  Read More 

A Novel's Character Talks to a Wild Bird: Peculiar, or Charming?

Do you ever talk to wild birds or animals (or critters, as we say in the South)?

I thought this was an unusual hobby until I was in Florida last week, when I flat-out asked people. I was surprised at the number – one out of every ten, I would venture to guess – who raised  Read More